Tactical Training

Tactical Training

Maxgrid Securicor (India) Pvt Limited, a renowned leader in security solutions, routinely conducts ...

Tactical Training

Highly qualified instructors with proven track records have carried out training for Special Units (Government)...

Maxgrid Securicor (India) Pvt Limited, a renowned leader in security solutions, routinely conducts cutting-edge tactical and technical training programs for elite Special Units within the government and delivered by highly qualified instructors with exceptional track records.

Programs encompass a comprehensive curriculum, featuring modules on Jungle Operations, SADO/CASO, Raids, and Close Quarter Combat. We also cover Close Protection, VIP Security & specialized Field craft for personnel engaged in national security initiatives. These modules are meticulously designed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge for executing high-stakes missions with precision and effectiveness.

In addition to the above, Maxgrid Securicor also extends its expertise to corporate security teams and private investigators. Participants undergo intensive technical training that hones investigative skills, security planning, and organizational capabilities. The trainings are conducted both theoretically and practically at our state-of-the-art facility, located in Karnataka, which provides a realistic and dynamic environment for participants to enhance their skills, fostering a hands-on learning experience that prepares them for real-world challenges.